Tru Xi Apps

Color Code 1.0
Tru Xi
Display a variety of colors in English,Chinese name and hex code, you can use the search bar to findrelevant keywords to color than the right.In a single display color area, if a motion for query results,according to the color of the query will do the sort, there ishidden text menu and change the text color settings.
Phonetic Symbols Pinyin 1.0
Tru Xi
Think Chinese phonetic symbols of the Romanalphabet, sometimes forget how to feel uncertain or phoneticspelling it?This time we open the APP to check it, do not need the Internetdoes not need to ask all the Chinese phonetic alphabetdisplayed.There is no voice recognition function.There is no Chinese identification function.There is no multi-word phonetic search function.
Blank Screen 1.0
Tru Xi
The screen is blank, the mood is confused, donot think too much, enjoy good mood now, maybe there will be newideas.There is no special effects, music, other interfaces, etc. ...,only a white screen with home advertising only, to help rememberthe point about adding some small fee ~
Sensor detects 1.0
Tru Xi
Sometimes found using the sensor function insome mobile devices App Why no effect, tested for a long timethought it was the App itself, but we almost always think theiractions sensor device is all there, in order to solve this problemcreate this App, so that we understand the current mobile devicesuse sensors which can be used, you can use the new mobile deviceswhen, immediately identified what this means to the sensor to avoidcausing unnecessary distress.Detecting the content of the acceleration, magnetic field,horizontally and vertically, a gyroscope, luminosity, pressure,temperature, and eight kinds of proximity sensors.Not detect all of the sensors, only used to detect most of thesensor.
Screen Light Flashlight 1.0
Tru Xi
Using the phone's screen into a coloredflashlight field, according to illuminate the color of the selectedcolor, and a variety of colors to choose from, variousrepresentatives of the different feel, to experiencedifferent
Detect Multi-point Touch 1.0
Tru Xi
A device used to detect the current numberoftouch points can support, if the ceiling can support touchpointsbeyond, will be displayed as zero.
Two-way Flashlight 1.0
Tru Xi
Phone use flash lights in front and behindthescreen, and in accordance with the option to select adifferentlight way content, the public six kinds of ways: allnon-luminous,only screen light, only a flash light, all the light,blinking andflashing, can be a for general flashlight, flashlight,etc. canalso be used as a warning ... a variety of applications.  Because the flash needs to turn the camera function, sotherewill need to open the permission of the camera.Enter on the interface, it will jump out of the program, thislittleproblem does not affect the use of mobile phones, but thefollow-upto deal with this problem.
Detect the light source 1.0
Tru Xi
Use the phone light sensor, detectssurroundinglight intensity, to determine the light source used nowis what kindof object issued.
Tab Color 1.0
Tru Xi
Color on the label.English Chinese Japanese Korean click on the label color,RGBvalues ​​and color code.
Frame Hair dryer 1.0
Tru Xi
Want to have action mounted hair dryer it?Hereare ~This action has a two-stage blowers wind speed and vibrationfeel,makes the phone feel like a hairdryer.Start a hairdryer period of time will automatically switch backoffmode.Does not guarantee that will blow hot air and can drywetobjects.
Compass Text 1.0
Tru Xi
Function is to indicate the direction ofthecompass, and sometimes need to be used on the outside, butholdinga compass while watching walking inconvenient, and somecompassillustration above is too complicated, so in this productionof theinterface simple compass App, Pointer indicates the north andheadtoward the direction of narrative, after re-instruct theeast,west, south and north way, there will be a voice in thedirectionof the mobile device does not need to pick up the point ofview, wecan know the current terms of location.Do not use background processing, so the screen turned off andlosevoice when you leave this App.
Screen Color Devices 1.0
Tru Xi
Click on the screen after screen willdisplaydifferent colors, you can move or not move on the screenaccordingto the color conversion speed will become faster, thescreenflashes feel more intense.Click on the screen when there is no time, the color willbeautomatically returned to the black.